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ANZAC Day - 25 April 2024

No. 5 (Rodney District) Squadron and the Hibiscus Coast Sea Cadets have been invited and will be parading at two RSA locations this year.


Please ensure you check the details contained below carefully.





SNCO – long sleeve shirt, tie, trousers, cap, bring jersey

JNCO – short sleeve shirt, trousers, cap, bring jersey

Cadets – short sleeve shirt, trousers, cap bring jersey

Cadets Under Training – short sleeve shirt, trousers, cap, bring jersey (woolly pully for Navy Cadets if issued)

Cadets Under Training if not issued full uniform – CWD shirt, CWD trousers, black or navy blue t-shirt, issued baseball cap, black boots or black shoes


Wearing of a poppy on your uniform for Anzac Day must conform to the parent service instructions, refer to the attached for RNZN and RNZAF.


For all cadets, uniform must be clean, pressed, and well presented. Shoes/boots must be polished if possible, and clean/dirt free.


All cadets should ensure they have had something substantial to eat before arriving, you should bring a small day bag that contains a water bottle, rain jacket, and snacks.


If your name is not listed below, please apply on Cadet Net ASAP and attend Hibiscus Coast RSA Service as per timings below.


This is a full unit activity and expect to see the entire SQN out in full force at both parades


East Coast Bays RSA Service

Location: The Bays Club, 6 Anzac Road, Browns Bay (note roads in the immediate area will be closed for the service, so factor this into travel plans)


Dawn Service: Basic 2 Cadets and above only as per the nominal list. Basic 1 (Air Cadets) and Basic (Navy Cadets) cadets may optionally attend.

Muster: no later than 0515

Breakfast should be available at the RSA afterwards, just in case though bring some snacks or food to eat between services.


Civic Service (compulsory): All cadets required to attend as per the nominal list below.

Note, All Sea Cadets are required to attend at ECB RSA service

Muster: no later than 0800

Dismiss: on completion of the parade, expected to be around 1000


Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay for the service.


OIC: LTCDR Sacha Belcourt

Tel: 021 964 022


East Coast Bays Services Nominal List

CDT Kordic, Max

CDT McLelland, Xavier

CDT Slabber, Drico

CDT Vautier, Isabella

CDT Vautier, William

CDTUT Anderson, Travis

CDTUT Beetge, Reinhardt

CDTUT Bessant, Jesse

CDTUT Blanchard, Max

CDTUT Bull, Danielle

CDTUT Gerrand, Jhett

CDTUT Geyer, Pippa

CDTUT Hesse, Nico

CDTUT Mckellar, Sarah

CDTUT Santibanez Veliz, Cristobal

LAC Snaddon, Luka


Hibiscus Coast RSA Service

Location: 43a Vipond Road, Stanmore Bay


Dawn Service: Basic 2 Cadets and above only as per the nominal list.

Muster: no later than 0515

Breakfast should be available at the RSA afterwards, just in case though bring some snacks or food to eat between services.


Civic Service (compulsory): All cadets are required to attend as per the nominal list.

Note, Sea Cadets are required to attend at ECB RSA service

Muster: no later than 1000

Dismiss: on completion of the parade, expected to be around 1230


Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay for the service.


OIC: PLTOFF Phil Scarborough

Tel: 021 662 485


Hibiscus Coast RSA Services Nominal List

A/LAC Hui, Harry

CDT Coventry, Lachlan

CDT Crawford, Finley

CDT Difford, Rose

CDT McIlrath, Christine

CDT Musson, Mary

CDT Potgieter, John

CDT Sur, Michelle

CDT van Blerk, Melissa

CDT Walton, Abigail

CDT Zaseeva, Luiza

CDTF/S McGregor, Jack

CDTW/O Dawson, Jake

CDTSGT Musson, Andrew

CDTUT Bantjes, Nathan

CDTUT Bhatt, Aryavrat

CDTUT Bigwood, Blake

CDTUT Cattanach, Daniel

CDTUT Charles, Noah

CDTUT Delich, Zach

CDTUT Fourie, Abby

CDTUT Hanly, Jack

CDTUT Hardy-Hine, Christopher

CDTUT Jeacocks, Gabriel

CDTUT Liebenberg, Angelina

CDTUT Norman, Bailey

CDTUT Stubbs, Boston

CDTUT Sumetc, Genya

CDTF/S Ma, Henry

LAC Kent, Mina

LAC O'Gram, Matilda

LAC Robertson, Carlos





Cadet Unit Commander


No. 5 (Rodney District) Squadron, New Zealand Cadet Forces

M: 021 744 001

A: 300 Postman Road, Diary Flat

P: PO Box 147, Silverdale, Auckland 0932


W: |

Wearing of the Poppies

The following information contains the information for wearing the poppies on ANZAC Day.


Wearing of the Metals
Contact Us

North Shore Aero Club,

270-300 Postman Road

Dairy Flat, New Zealand  0794

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