Loan Equipment
Below is the equipment list available for all 5 SQN cadets to loan on cadet activities. To request equipment for use on an activity, the CADET must come and see the Stores Team during parade night hours and complete the temporary loan form.
Key points of note:
Loaned items are FREE. There is no cost associated with the equipment loan unless the item is lost or damaged maliciously.
Look after the equipment. This gear belongs to everyone, so take care of it as if it were your own.
Collect equipment 1 to 2 weeks before the activity from the Stores Office.
Equipment is limited. An estimate of quantities is provided below. The sooner you approach the Stores Team the better to avoid missing out.
Equipment is to be returned to stores the parade night after the activity in a clean and tidy condition. If you require more time to return equipment in an acceptable state you may return it 2 weeks after the activity.
Should you have any questions, see the Stores Office on a Wednesday night. ​